A large engineering project has enormous complexity. There are many companies involved in the same work. Therefore, it is necessary to have document management in engineering projects that is efficient and develops consistent processes.
Why have document management in engineering projects
For any area that involves complex projects, communication and organization are essential. Whoever is managing these jobs must be able to access data at any time, whether to follow up on tasks or to render accounts. Documents in engineering projects are the main means of exchanging information in large projects.

Before finalizing a project, each of its stages is subjected to strict analysis and review processes. Documents in engineering projects must exist due to the need to follow compliance and safety parameters. That’s why document management is so fundamental when it comes to this type of work.
When this management is not implemented properly, project managers can face several obstacles. There may be unnecessary costs, as some tasks may need to be redone, and information may be lost due to lack of data security.
By automating document steps in engineering projects, managers have much more control over them. This provides a better optimization of the work of the entire team involved.

Project and Engineering Documentation
A project is considered efficient when it meets its objective within the previously stipulated and desired cost. This, of course, given the limitations of safety and lead time.
Document management in engineering projects involves, for example, a drawing made in 2D or 3D. This drawing reveals the physical structure of the work, along with the specifications that expose the installation and production process. However, there are situations that can generate complications. Are they:
- Incomplete specification information;
- Production methods not possible and manufacturing requires the use of alternate solutions;
- Required information missing from design drawings;
- Discrepancies between design drawing and details, or between design and specifications.
- and drawing reveals the physical structure of the work, along with the specifications that expose the installation and production process.
This is what happens when there is no proper document management in engineering projects. When these problems arise, rework is needed to fix them. Both the rework production and production procedures generate a delay for the product’s arrival on the market. And this, obviously, ends up having a direct influence on the total production value.

Main benefits of document management in engineering projects
Automates the workflow
To succeed in an increasingly competitive market, companies need to reinvent themselves and show the best solutions. By automating the workflow with an electronic document manager (EDMS) the company is already taking a big step in the right direction. This is because the company’s routines are streamlined and superfluous tasks can be discarded.
Improves communication
In the engineering sector, the exchange of information is associated with the documents generated in each phase. Effective management of this data is critical to successful communication during project execution.

Decreases errors and costs
The main objective of continuous improvement processes is to reduce bottlenecks in operations. Reducing manual work is a great way to reduce the margin for error. The EDMS allows the progress of project phases to be automatically notified. This way, it is possible to have a sense of the time spent in each step and which processes are behind schedule.
E-CLIC is great for managing documents in engineering projects. The electronic manager always keeps the updated version of every file in your organization. In addition, it offers several other benefits for the Engineering area.
The software was developed by Profits Consulting, a company specialized in document management. Are you looking for technological solutions for your company? Contact us and make a quote.